Virginia Elite COVID-19 Safety Guidelines
We are excited to announce our plans to Return to Play at VA Elite! We have been given the guidance and instructions from USAV, CHRVA, and the State of Virginia so that we can resume skills training. As excited as we are, we are still putting emphasis on safety. There will be procedures in place to maximize the safety of everyone involved. However, as USAV has stated, “Until COVID-19 is either eradicated, a vaccine is developed, or a cure is found, there is no way to completely eliminate the risk of infection...”
The new procedures will follow CDC, USAV Guidelines and those set forth by the Forward Virginia Guidelines.
Player/Parent/Coach Protocol
Before Leaving Home:
1. All Participants in any program taking place at VA Elite are responsible to sign our new General Participation Waiver.
2. Participants/Staff are to check temperatures before coming to VA Elite. If your temperature is 100.4 or greater (per the CDC), stay home and be fever free for 48 hours before returning to VA Elite. Do not come if you or your child are exhibiting symptoms or have been exposed to COVID-19.
Symptoms include:
● Cough
● Difficulty breathing
● Fever (100.4 F or above)
● Chills
● Sore throat
● Loss of taste or smell
3. Pack extra water bottles and bring plenty of water. Our drinking fountains will be turned off.
4. Wash your hands. We will ask everyone to wash their hands upon arrival, but ask you wash your hands immediately before leaving your home as well.
Upon Arrival at VA Elite:
1. Do not arrive or exit your car more than 10 minutes prior to your scheduled session time.
2. Only coaches and athletes will be allowed in the building. Parents must stay in their cars and may not walk around campus.
3. All athletes will enter and exit through the back doors of the Hurd Gymnasium, while maintaining 6’ of social distancing. Please wash your hand or use hand sanitizer upon entering the building.
4. All athletes and coaches will be temperature checked when they arrive with a forehead non-contact thermometer. Any person with a 100 degree or more temperature must leave the building.
5. After being temperature checked, you will be checked in and can proceed into the gym. No one is allowed to be upstairs in the mezzanine area, at any time.
6. The gym will have signs on the floor to designate where athletes can sit and place their bags. One athlete per sign. Siblings are permitted to sit together.
7. Face masks are required the entire time you are in the building, including during play.
8. Do not congregate or share ANYTHING with other athletes ex.(water, hair ties, phones, etc.)
During Your Session:
1. No contact or high fives.
2. Each session will have one group per court. The middle court will be used for additional spacing
3. Stay in your designated areas on the court.
4. Listen closely to coach instructions
5. Restrooms should only be used for emergency situations, please maintain social distancing if you have to use them.
6. Coaches and athletes will maintain 10’ of distance during activity
Leaving From VA Elite:
1. All athletes will wash their hands and place volleyballs in a designated location for staff to sanitize.
2. Athletes will have 5 minutes to gather all belongings and exit the gym. Parents please arrive 5 minutes early for pick up.
3. There will be no lost and found. Anything left at the gym will be disposed of immediately.
4. Once home, shower immediately, wash your clothes and water bottles.
Cleaning Procedures:
1. Balls, Carts, Volleyball equipment will be sanitized before/after use for any session.
2. All High Touch areas will be cleaned nighty (bathrooms, door handles, desk, etc.)
3. Playing surface will be cleaned twice per week
4. Bathrooms are fully stocked with Soap and Sanitizing Stations are setup throughout the facility
USA Volleyball has issued a list of protective actions they recommend you take. Check it out below:
● Most importantly, if you have a respiratory illness or fever, please stay home.
● Get a flu vaccine.
● Avoid contact with sick people (if you’re sick, limit contact with others).
● Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
● Cover your nose and mouth with something disposable (like a tissue) when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
● Clean frequently touched items (cell phones, airplane seating area -tray table, screens, windows, arm rests, air vents, etc.).
● Clean your hands often by washing them with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at 60%–95% alcohol. Soap and water should be used if hands are visibly dirty.
● It is especially important to clean hands after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose.
● Bring extra hand sanitizer with you to all events.