
Virginia Elite Partners with VTFC for Injury Prevention Program

January 21, 2022 Author: Webmaster

We are very excited to announce that we have partnered with Virginia Therapy & FItness Center (VTFC) to bring our families more resources when it comes to injury management and prevention! After years of fielding questions from parents on where to go if an injury happens and who we recommend we have extensively researched and decided to partner with VTFC!

So what does this mean for our families?

VTFC and Virginia Elite have created a partnership to provide injury recovery to VA Elite athletes. When athletes are injured during competition or practices, they should always consider receiving a medical evaluation from a specialist to determine the next step to optimally treat their injury.

VTFC has offered to answer all of these questions with a free medical screening, when a VA Elite Volleyball player, or family member, is injured and needs help determining the optimal path to recovery. The medal screening will most likely provide one of 3 possible pathways:

The injury is Minor (at home exercises)

The injury is Moderate in Nature (could benefit from PT)

The injury is More Significant (a specialist should be seen)

VA Elite athletes will be seen and assessed as quickly as possible upon contacting VTFC and physician referrals are not needed if you'd like to utilize their services.  Given that our families come for many different areas, zoom appointments are available if necessary. 

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