Academies are BACK! Registration NOW OPEN!
December 4, 2020 Author: Webmaster
We are excited to kick off our programming next week with our Winter/Spring training beginning tomorrow! We have opened up a few additional spots in all academies and sessions but are still operating under limited capacity and are only taking online registrations at this time.
Information regarding our COVID-19 protocols and guidance can be found on our website here.
Winter/Spring Training Academy
In 2018, we wanted to provide opportunities to athletes who were playing in recreation leagues and/or who were not playing club but wanted to continue their development. Thus our Winter/Spring Training program was born.
The Winter/Spring Training Program are divided into 4 sessions each 4 weeks long. Sessions are capped at a maximum of 25 athletes per session (2 Courts), providing a more small group environment. Our dedicated staff will use research based training to help athletes grow and develop in all skills and understanding of the game. Sessions are Saturdays for 2 hours for a total of 8 hours of training per session.
Click here for more information, schedule and to register.
Virginia Elite is proud to be one of only a few clubs in the country certified to train PowerCore 360. Utilizing this very effective technology for learning how to hit safe and harder, we have developed a proven cirriculum to keep athletes in the game longer.
All PC360 courses utilize specialized equipment and technical instruction designed to teach safe and effective attacking. Using proper hip, torso and shoulder action athletes are able to *FEEL* proper motion rather than just see or hear instruction. The central innovation with this program is the harness and 'arm action trainer' which provides athletes the propioceptive feedback necessary for training proper hitting mechanics.
VAE's goal in utilizing the PC360 technology is to improve our athletes' hitting power and effectiveness while significantly reducing the injury potential of VAE athletes.
PowerCore 360 Certified Instructors have completed numerous hours of additional training. The PC360 course is progressive in nature and completed over six (6) hours of training. PC360 uses a strict, proprietary curriculum designed to teach proper (safe) attacking.
Click here for more information, schedule and to register.
Serve Receive Academy
Virginia Elite has designed a program to focus on one of the key aspects of volleyball.....Passing. It has been statistically proven in the women's volleyball game that the two most important skills are (in this order) serve receive and serve. If you can't pass, your team can't pound! So, we encourage all athletes to refine their passing game!
Our Serve Receive Academy is designed to promote technically sound serve receive skills through disciplined repetitions with extensive feedback. By the end of the four week session, each player should have improved both their defensive and serve receive skills within the clinic and their own team practices.
Click here for more information, schedule and to register.
Setting Academy
Virginia Elite has designed an opportunity for non-VAE athletes to receive elite training and comprehensive setting instruction. Our setting academy provides both developing and experienced setters with the regular technical training, instruction, and repetitions.
All academy participants are instructed in the basics of the setting position including footwork to the ball, hand position, release on the ball, and setting tempo. Participants train for speed, accuracy, consistency, and decision-making. While all participants learn the same foundations of setting, they will also learn (when appropriate) more advanced techniques such as jump setting, tracking the block, holding opposing middle blockers, and game strategy.
VAE Setting Academy is also beneficial to athletes interested in learning to set.
Click here for more information, schedule and to register.