
2021 Tryout Information Posted and Registration Open

October 20, 2021 Author: Webmaster

We are excited to announce our tryout information is posted and registration is NOW OPEN!! Below are the dates and times for all age groups. We understand that many tryouts overlap and it can be difficult for athletes to make multiple days of tryouts for one club, therefore, we expect to only have 1 tryout per age group.

  • 13s Team: Friday, November 5th 7:00PM-9:00PM
  • 14s Team: Saturday, November 13th 10:00AM-12:00PM
  • 15s Team: Saturday, November 13th 7:00PM-9:00PM
  • 16s Team: Saturday, November 13th 4:00PM-6:00PM
  • 17s Team: Saturday, November 13th 1:00PM-3:00PM
  • 18s Team: Saturday, November 13th 1:00PM-3:00PM

Tryout Philosophy

First and foremost VAE’s tryouts are open to all athletes, free from preferential treatment, and void of pre-selected roster positions. All athletes are required to earn their spot within the club through participating in the tryout and selection process. No Exceptions.

What you can expect from the VAE staff and coaches is the utmost level of professionalism, integrity, and objectivity while working with each athlete throughout the selection process.

VAE’s unique format gives our coaching staff the opportunity to evaluate and assess talent within an environment of teaching, encouragement, and personal interaction for each aspiring athlete. Some of the key element in which evaluators will consider during the tryout process will be:

  • Skill level
  • Coach-ability
  • Athleticism
  • Work ethic
  • Competitive drive
  • Long term potential
  • Positive attitude/enthusiasm

Finally, VAE strives to provide a positive, energy-filled, and purposeful tryout for each prospective athlete. You are evaluating us as much as we’re watching you. To win you over to VAE you will get the BEST from our coaches as they bring out the BEST within you.

Important Offer Information

In the interest of ensuring all who tryout for Elite are aware of the CHRVA region rules with regards to offer periods please read the below.

The open tryout periods for each age groups are listed below:

  • 13s: 11AM on the first Friday of November (11/5) through 11PM on the following Wednesday (11/10)
  • 14s-18s: 11AM on the second Friday of November (11/12) through 11PM on the following Wednesday (11/17)

Per the CHRVA Region "A player may be given an offer by a Club during the Open Tryout Period or after this period. A player’s offer will be held until the end of the Open period. A player has until the end of the Open Tryout Period to accept. Club volleyball is a significant commitment of time and resources, and this period is intended for players to consider all options."

Website and Registration

Click here for more information and to register

Season & Team Information

We've also updated the season information on our team pages. For more information on your specific teams, we invite you to visit the team pages below. Please note these are living pages and with new information added daily so please check back regularly for updates.

Please reach out to us at if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you at tryouts and for an excellent 16th season of Virginia Elite Volleyball!

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